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2018 Faces of Transportation Photo Contest
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The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials annual Faces of Transportation photography and video contest is marking its 13th year with a twist. Song titles will define the four categories used in the photography portion of the competition and social media participation is being strongly encouraged this year.
In the song title category “Highway Song” by Blackfoot, the photos should include people using or working on surface transportation, including but not limited to roadways, tunnels, bridges, pedestrian and bike trails. In the song title category “Sailing Away” by Christopher Cross, the photos should include people using or working on ships, boats, ferries and at waterway facilities such as ports. In the song title category “The Subway Song” by The Icarus Account, the photos should include people using or working on all things rail-related including subways and mass transit systems. The final song title category is “Watching Airplanes” by Gary Allan. The photos in this category should include people using or working in aviation. $500 cash prizes will be presented to the winners of both the People’s Choice and the Best Overall Photograph award and a $100 award is available to the winner of the best photograph submitted via social media—Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
Winning photography submissions must prominently feature people designing, constructing, using and enjoying the nation’s transportation systems. All entries must represent the positive effects of all modes of transportation on individuals and communities. Photographs which include recognizable individuals must be accompanied by a Faces of Transportation Model Release form regardless of category; all photos must include a caption that describes the scene and the theme under which the entry is placed. Failure to meet these requirements may lead to disqualification.
All entries must be received by June 15, 2018. Judging will begin the same day. The general public will vote for the People’s Choice Award photograph.
The winners of the 2018 Faces of Transportation competition will be announced in the Fall.